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Talent Enhancement Test is powered by Quicktouch Technologies Ltd. (QTL) It is a leading technology provider company and listed in National Stock Exchange (NSE), India.
Quicktouch Technologies Ltd. is providing innovative products and services that have transformed the way we live, work, communicate, and interacte with the world.
Quicktouch Technologies Ltd. has developed a robust platform and app that allows education institute's admin to connect with their staff, parents and students.
Quicktouch Technologies Ltd. has revolutionized the way edu-stakeholders shop by creating online marketplaces and e-commerce plateforms that enable consumers to browse, compare and purchase products and services from the comfort of their homes. This has made shopping more convenient and accessible for people around the world.
Think Unique Infomedia is media partner for Talent Enhancement Test. It is a unique organization that works towards bringing policymakers, educationists, industry leaders, innovators and different stakeholders from the education sector to one platform so that they can discuss and debates on the great potential that education sector has for humankind. Global Education and Skill Summit is the flagship event of Think Unique Infomedia.